2025 Volunteer Training
Find all the details and tips you need to make an impact for generations to come!
We foster transformative experiences to help people of all ages take their next step following Jesus.
We are Here to Serve: At Camp Illiana, service isn't just an act; it's our essence.
We are All In: We're committed to supporting a community where everyone is wholeheartedly committed to following Jesus’ ways.
We Make Jesus Famous: We have a vital role in raising the name of Jesus, not through worldly measures of popularity but through heartfelt discipleship and sharing His life-changing message.
We will become an indispensable partner to all the families and ministries we serve now and in the future.
Keep it Simple: We believe simplicity breeds excellence. Excellence is our benchmark, far beyond the easy.
Always Improving: We aim to be an invaluable partner in our community's journey to following Jesus Christ by continuously improving our events, facilities, and staff.
Steward Well: Stewardship at Camp Illiana means honoring God by wisely managing the time, talents, and resources that He entrusts to us.
In the late 1940s, a group of local ministers recognized the need for a Christian camp and began making plans. This vision led to Illiana Christian Assembly, Inc.’s founding in 1949. The organization was established as an association of Christian Churches from Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky, rooted in the Restoration Movement. Camp Illiana was officially dedicated on September 4, 1950, and hosted its first summer season that same year. Over the next 75 years, the camp saw steady growth in its facilities and impact on thousands of lives. Camp Illiana has become a place where many have experienced the beauty of the grounds and taken meaningful steps in their journey with Jesus.
At Camp Illiana, We believe and teach:
We believe God gave us the 66 books of the Bible to be received as the inspired, authoritative, and infallible Word of God for salvation and life. The documents of scripture come to us as diverse literary and historical writings. Despite their complexities, they can be understood, trusted, and followed.
We believe Jesus came as the promised Messiah of the Old Testament. He ushered in the kingdom of God, died on the cross, and rose on the third day. He is seated at the right hand of God as Lord, and He is coming back for His disciples.
We teach that belief in Jesus means we trust and follow Him as both Savior and Lord. When we commit to trust and follow Jesus, we express this faith by repenting from sin, confessing His name, and receiving baptism by immersion in water. Baptism is an expression of faith, and is for the remission of sins. We uphold baptism as the normative means of entry into the life of discipleship. It marks our commitment to regularly die to ourselves and rise to live for Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We believe God sovereignly saves as He sees fit, but we are bound by scripture to uphold this teaching about surrendering to Jesus in faith through repentance, confession, and baptism.
We believe in the present kingdom, the reign of God, the power of the Holy Spirit to transform people, and the priority of the local church. God’s holiness requires His church and Camp Illiana to reject lifestyles characterized by pride, sexual immorality, homosexuality, easy divorce, idolatry, greed, materialism, gossip, slander, racism, and violence. We seek to show understanding, kindness, and love in all things.
We believe God created each person as distinctly male or female. We further believe God created marriage as the context for expressing and enjoying sexual relations. Jesus defines, and we teach marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman. We believe that all sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage, including same-sex unions and same-sex marriage, is immoral and must not be condoned by the disciples of Jesus.
We believe Jesus invites all races and ethnicities into the Kingdom of God. We believe love is expressed in services to Christ’s Church and the surrounding community. Love leads to the breaking down walls (racial, social, political), evangelism, acts of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness.
We believe men and women serve as partners in using their gifts in ministry while seeking to uphold New Testament norms which teach that the lead teacher/preacher role in the gathered church and the elder/overseer role is for qualified men.
We believe the vision of the Bible is an equal partnership of men and women in creation, marriage, salvation, gifts of the Spirit, and church ministries but exercised in ways that honor gender as described in the Bible.
We believe everything we have belongs to God. Disciples of Jesus should joyfully give liberally and work sacrificially for the poor, the marginalized, and the oppressed.
Camp Illiana promotes behavior consistent with the Bible. Consequently, when joining Staff or Volunteering, you freely and willingly agree to the standards of behavior outlined below. The standards included below are not exhaustive; they provide a guideline of conduct we believe is in accordance with biblical standards.
As representatives of Camp Illiana, our actions must be above reproach. Consequently, the following standards of conduct shall apply to all staff and volunteers. Violations of these standards are regarded as a serious breach of integrity and could result in discipline, up to and including dismissal.
Scripture teaches us that certain attributes are desired, including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–24). These attributes are to be sought, encouraged, and demonstrated in our relationships.
Scripture further teaches us that certain behaviors should be avoided, including theft, lying, dishonesty, gossip, slander, backbiting, profanity, vulgarity, sexual promiscuity (including adultery, homosexual behavior, and premarital sex), drunkenness, and immodesty of dress.
Everyone is expected to show Christian concern in their interaction with others and to join together with a body of believers for worship and fellowship regularly.
Camp Illiana recognizes the danger to one’s physical and psychological well-being in using specific products. Therefore, everyone is to refrain from using tobacco in any form, alcoholic beverages, hallucinogenic drugs, substances, or narcotics not authorized by a physician.
The Directors are year-round Camp Illiana Staff
Executive Director: The Executive Director oversees Camp Illiana’s day-to-day operations and reports to the Board of Directors.
Experiences Director: The Experiences Director oversees the office, hospitality and activities of Camp Illiana and reports to the Executive Director.
Hospitality Director: The Hospitality Director oversees the housekeeping, maintenance and food services of Camp Illiana and reports to the Experiences Director.
Activities Director: The Activities Director oversees the summer staff recruitment, schedules, activity and game logistics for Camp Illiana and reports to the Experiences Director.
The Team Leads are returning summer staff and summer internship leader positions that help lead and mentor team members who live at Camp Illiana during the Summer Season
Office Team Lead: The Office Team manages the front desk, checkin/out and registration questions.
Grounds Team Lead, The Grounds Team oversees yards, pools, lake, and building maintenance.
Creative Team Lead: The Creative Team oversees worship production, website, pictures, videos, the app, and social media channels.
Ropes Team Lead: The Ropes Team facilitates adventure elements and are specially trained.
Field Team Lead: The Field Team assists with adventure elements, other field activities and games.
Lifeguard Team Lead: The Lifeguard Team oversees aquatic activities and are certified lifeguards. They primarily do not live at Camp Illiana during the summer season.
Kitchen Team Lead: The Kitchen Team prepares and serves meals during the summer season.
Security Team Lead: The Security Team conducts regular patrols and confirms volunteers are safe people.
Staff during the summer season
Returning Staff: Summer Staff team members that have worked a previous summer season are invited back for another season, they help mentor new crew staff and lead by their team lead.
New Crew Staff: Summer Staff team members working their first summer that live at Camp Illiana for the summer season and are on a team mentored by a returning staff and lead by their team lead.
Assistant Staff: Summer Staff team members who work during the summer season but do not live at Camp Illiana. Assistants are mentored by returning staff and lead by their team lead.
Camper Guide: an adult volunteer who works with campers as a dorm parent during a camp session.
Jr. Guide: a student volunteer (at least three years older than the oldest camper) who assists the adult faculty and the Kitchen Team.
Lead Team: the planners and leaders of each session of camp. They plan and create programming and support faculty in ministering to campers.
We are so excited to partner with a Mission in India for the 2025 Best Summer Ever! We can’t wait to hear about the culture of India while also learning how NACEA partners with their community to advance God’s Kingdom! More info can be found at campilliana.org/global
About Camp Illiana
"Embrace diligence, serve fervently, and let your work be an offering to the Lord." At Camp Illiana, service isn't just an act; it's our essence. We believe in the GOLD standard of service, ensuring every volunteer, camper, and parent feels valued, understood, and thrilled with their experience. Here's how we bring our GOLD standard to life: (Romans 12:11)
G - Greet and Smile (Hebrews 13:2)
The standard: From the moment you step into Camp Illiana, our warm smiles and enthusiastic greetings make you feel at home. Whether it's your first time with us or you're a returning camper, our staff are here to welcome you with open arms and bright smiles, setting the stage for a fantastic camp experience that feels like family.
How We Greet and Smile
Be Real: Connect genuinely with volunteers, campers, and staff. It's all about making real connections and listening to one another.
Kindness is Key: A little kindness goes a long way. Whether it's a smile or an encouraging word, it matters.
Give it your All: Jump into camp life with both feet. Your energy and passion make camp unforgettable.
O - Own the Problem (Philippians 2:4)
The standard: We understand that every camp event has its hiccups. Should any challenges arise, our dedicated team takes immediate ownership. We listen, comprehend, and act swiftly to resolve issues, ensuring your time at Camp Illiana is smooth and enjoyable. The peace of mind for the people we serve is our priority.
How we own problems
Think Outside the Box: Get creative with solutions and ideas. Your innovation makes camp extra special. Camp Illiana leaders want to hear your ideas.
YOU are Empowered: Within the guidelines we train on, YOU can take action and make it right to be part of the solution when a problem arises.
Roll with It: Plans change, and that's okay. Stay flexible and ready for adventure.
L - Look the Part (Colossians 3:23-24)
The standard: Our staff embodies the spirit of Camp Illiana, dressed not just in camp attire but in professionalism and readiness. We're equipped, both in appearance and attitude, to lead by example, inspiring our volunteers and campers and instilling confidence in parents that we're fully prepared to make each day at camp safe and enjoyable where the next steps in following Jesus happen.
How We Look the Part
Lead with Cool: Show the campers how it's done with your relaxed, calm, collected style.
Say Thanks: Gratitude is everything. Appreciate the little moments, the big laughs, and everything in between. Point it out and say THANK YOU.
Lift people UP: We can lift people up or take them down in our relationships. Choose to be someone who uplifts others.
D - Deliver the BEST SUMMER EVER (Philippians 4:8-9)
The standard: At the heart of Camp Illiana is our commitment to delivering an unparalleled camp experience that allows people to take the next step following Jesus. We go above and beyond to ensure every activity, from dawn till dusk, is filled with joy, learning, and intentionality. We aim for every camper to leave with a love for God's word, closer to Jesus, and the anticipation of returning next time.
How We Deliver the Best Summer Ever
Team Up: Everything's better with friends. Work together and make magic happen.
Stay Pumped: Keep the vibe high! Your enthusiasm is contagious, so spread that good energy around.
Stay Alert: Be alert for opportunities and listen for promptings by the Holy Spirit to pray for individuals and groups you meet.
"Love the Lord your God with every ounce of your being—heart, soul, mind, and strength." It's not just a call; it's our rallying cry at Camp Illiana. We're committed to nurturing a community where everyone, from staff to campers to guests, is inspired and equipped to: (Mark 12:30)
Wholeheartedly Follow Jesus (Mark 8:34-35)
What it means: Following Jesus with all your heart is not about achieving perfection but about pursuing a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It's a journey marked by repentance, dying to yourself, grace, transformation, and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in your life.
How we follow Jesus
Love Big, Live True: Love others like Jesus does, one at a time and make your faith real by living out what you believe in every little thing you do.
Walk & Talk: Keep the conversation with God going - repent, chat, vent, thank, or ask for help anytime, anywhere. But don't stop at talk; walk the talk.
Bring the Light: Share your glow by being yourself, letting your life do the talking, and showing others how Jesus makes a difference in your life.
Deeply Love God's Word (Psalms 119:105-112)
What it means: Loving God's Word deeply is a transformative experience beyond mere reading or shallow engagement with the Bible. It is seeing the Bible as ancient texts and living, breathing messages that speak directly to your life, challenges, and dreams.
How we deeply love God's Word:
Dig Deep: Do more than skim the surface of the Bible; really dig into it with group bible studies, commentaries, and apps to understand the context and deeper meanings.
Anchor: Let the Bible be your anchor, providing stability and grounding in your life and guiding your interactions and relationships.
Live it Out Loud: Let God's Word be so ingrained in your heart that it naturally influences everything you say and do.
Be a Disciple that Multiplies (John 15:4-5)
What it means: A disciple of Jesus is someone who is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus and is committed to the mission of Jesus. Jesus' method, above all, was relational. He was with his disciples in the gospels–walking, talking, experiencing—most of the time. So, like Jesus, we must engage in meaningful relationships so that we can relate to them, love them, teach them scripture, and help them to obey it in practical ways.
How we are a disciple that multiplies
Relate: We have a critical role of building authentic, Jesus-style relationships that are deep, personal, and transformative, mirroring the way He connected with His disciples.
One at a Time: We walk one at a time with people to build deep, meaningful relationships that go beyond surface-level interactions, truly investing in the lives of others as Jesus did.
Lean: We lean on the Holy Spirit for wisdom, strength, and transformation, recognizing that true change comes not from our efforts alone but from His power within his followers.
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”(Matthew 28:19-20)
By following the Great Commission, we are invited to play a vital role in raising the name of Jesus, not through worldly measures of popularity but through heartfelt discipleship and sharing His life-changing message. We are not just spreading a name. We are sharing the truth of ultimate sacrifice, unconditional love, and eternal hope, ensuring that the name of Jesus Christ reaches every corner of the earth, touching hearts and changing lives forever.
Share Your Story (Revelation 12:11)
What it means: No matter how you share it, your story is a big deal because it's yours, and it shows the world just how awesome having Jesus in your life can be.
How we share our stories, practice to make it 3 minutes or less.
Just Say It: If you're newly baptized, dropping a line about why you decided to follow Jesus can be excellent. It's straightforward, no frills, keeps it real.
The Before and After: Talk about what life was like before Jesus stepped in versus the amazing turn it took after. It's a classic transformation story that never gets old.
With Jesus vs. Without: Especially if you came to Christ when you were young, try imagining out loud what life would be like without Him. It's thought-provoking and shows just how much Jesus means to you, even if you can't remember life without His presence.
Commit to Unity (Ephesians 4:3)
What it means: The unity of summer staff directly influences the atmosphere of Camp Illiana and the experience of the campers and volunteers. Demonstrating teamwork, respect, and camaraderie creates a welcoming and positive environment where the Gospel Message can make the most significant impact.
Here is how we keep Unity:
Together, We Nail It: The day feels like a breeze when we're all in sync. It's all about teaming up, celebrating what God is doing, and making every moment count for our campers. We are better together. We tackle the tough stuff and smooth out the ride, ensuring everyone's experience is top-notch.
Trust Each Other: Open chats and sharing tasks isn't just about getting things done—it's our secret sauce for being awesome. When we all voice our ideas and pitch in, we're not just working; we're boosting Illiana to new heights and experiencing the power of working in ministry.
Be a Ride or Die Team: Facing challenges? No sweat when we're riding together as one. Steering through the rough places gets a lot easier, and we end up having experiences that are not just good but ones that last a lifetime.
Have a Here I am Lord, Send Me Attitude (Isaiah 6:8)
What it means: Your actions, attitudes, and words can significantly raise the fame of Jesus, not just within the confines of the Best Summer Ever but in the broader ripple effects on campers' families, communities, and beyond.
Here is how we have a Send Me Attitude.
Step Up: Seize every opportunity to pray for others and let your life reflect the light of Jesus; this may open a conversation.
Spread Joy: Confidently share the joy of Jesus with everyone you encounter, making His love known.
Be Ready: Embrace God's call on your life to serve and understand the wide-reaching impact you can have in making Jesus famous.
Our Mantras
Safety Training
Step One: Interested? Let's Talk! (Web Form or Conversation starts the process)
Illiana staff members contact candidates for a phone screening to see if they are a good fit and let them know more about different team opportunities.
Notes are taken by staff members conducting the call.
If the candidate wants to move forward and the staff member thinks it could possibly be a good fit, the candidate is given the link to the “Get to know you form.”
Step Two: The next step in our selection process is to ask the candidate to fill out the “Get To Know You Follow-Up” Google form.
Multiple staff members review the form. It contains information to get to know more about the candidate's journey following Jesus and basic personality information to help gauge a candidate's best team placement.
Step Three: After that, an official interview will be scheduled via Zoom or in person. The appropriate Team Director and Executive Director will be included.
During the interview, the candidate’s answers to the “get to know you form” are discussed, which leads to other questions.
The interviewer answers questions from the candidate.
The interviewer and Safety Committee discuss the candidate’s answers after the interview concludes.
Step Four: If the candidate is selected, a Summer Staff team position can be offered pending background checks and reference approval.
Camp Staff informs the candidates of their position offers, and they are sent the “Staff information Document” with all the dates and information.
Step Five: The candidate is sent and asked to complete the official “Summer Staff Employment Application” Google form and the “Ministry Defender Background Check and References Application” link. The latter includes 3 supervisor/adult references and a comprehensive check of local, state, and federal criminal records.
If the candidate is under the age of 18, an expanded reference check is required by all the following:
A parent/guardian
Extended family member (Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent)
Adults who know them but are not related
Two supervisors or someone from their church or ministry they have served with prior.
Step Six: Once the Camp Illiana Safety Committee approves the candidate after reviewing the application questions, references, and an applicable criminal background check, the candidate can officially be placed on a Camp Illiana Team and join the staff at Camp Illiana.
Step One: A volunteer is interested or invited to serve during a camp session. The volunteer completes an online application to show interest in volunteering, and background screening questions are asked.
Step Two: The volunteer Dean or Retreat Coordinator approves the person as a candidate for the volunteering position.
Step Three: The Camp Illiana Safety Committee reviews the background screening questions and determines if the volunteer is an existing approved volunteer.
Step Four: If the volunteer has not served previously or needs updated information, the Camp Illiana Security Team Lead reaches out directly to the prospective volunteer and asks the candidate to complete the “Additional Questions Application” Google form and the “Ministry Defender Background Check and References Application” link. The latter includes 3 supervisor/adult references and a comprehensive check of local, state, and federal criminal records.
If the volunteer is under the age of 18, an expanded reference check is required by all the following:
A parent/guardian
Extended family member (Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent)
Adults who know them but are not related
Two supervisors or someone from their church or ministry they have served with prior.
Step Five: Once the volunteer is approved through application questions, references, and an applicable criminal background check, the volunteer can officially be placed on the volunteer roster for the event.
Camp Illiana’s policies and procedures require that staff members and volunteers avoid abusive or neglectful behavior of any kind. Staff members and volunteers must report policy violations to a Dean or a Camp Illiana Safety Committee member. Staff members and volunteers should have a basic understanding of the characteristics of sexual abusers, as well as “grooming behaviors” used by abusers to select and prepare a camper for sexual abuse. Grooming is the process used by an abuser to select a child, win the child’s trust (and the trust of the child’s caregiver or ‘gatekeeper’), manipulate the child into sexual activity, and keep the child from disclosing the abuse.
To equip Camp Illiana staff members and volunteers with the information necessary to recognize abuser characteristics and grooming behavior, Camp Illiana requires all staff members and volunteers to complete sexual abuse awareness training. This training will be renewed each summer season.
Staff members and volunteers must review the Camp Illiana Abuse Prevention Plan policies and sign the last page, indicating that they have read and understood the material and agree to comply with policy requirements.
Recognizing the importance of providing and maintaining a safe environment for children, Camp Illiana will appoint and maintain a Safety Committee, which will meet regularly. At the end of the Summer Season, the Committee will discuss what, if any, changes are necessary to Camp Illiana’s policies or programming to ensure camper safety and recommend changes to the Camp Illiana Board of Directors.
Mission Statement
The Safety Committee aims to enable Camp Illiana to carry out appropriate camp activities while safeguarding campers against emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.
The Safety Committee will be comprised of the following members:
Camp Illiana Executive Director
Camp Illiana Security Team Lead
Camp Illiana Experiences Director
The Safety Committee will meet regularly during camp season to discuss risk management practices and updates. When necessary, the Committee may also meet to address a circumstance or respond to a report of any incident or allegation. At the end of the summer season, the Camp Illiana Safety Committee will meet to discuss any changes necessary to Camp Illiana’s policies or programming to ensure camper safety.
The Safety Committee will be charged with the following duties:
Applying existing Camp Illiana policies and procedures related to camper safety and risk management issues.
Monitoring all Camp Illiana programs for ongoing compliance with safety policies.
Making recommendations regarding safety issues to the Camp Illiana Administration.
Staff Member and Volunteer Monitoring
Monitoring of staff members and volunteers will include regular (announced and unannounced) visits to each program, which will allow Deans to observe staff members and volunteers’ interactions with campers.
The Camp Illiana Executive Director conducts a yearly performance evaluation of the Security Team Lead. This evaluation will include matters covered in this policy manual and adherence to risk management procedures.
The Security Team Lead conducts periodic verbal performance evaluations for each staff member and volunteer in his/her program area. These evaluations will include matters covered in this policy manual and adherence to risk management procedures.
Camp Illiana Safety System
Camp Illiana has zero tolerance for abuse. Every staff member and volunteer is responsible for acting in the best interest of campers in every program.
In the event any staff member or volunteer observes inappropriate behaviors (e.g., policy violations, neglectful supervision, poor role-modeling, etc.) or suspected abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual), it is the personal responsibility of each such staff member or volunteer to immediately report their observations to an immediate Dean, Camp Illiana Executive Director, or a member of the Camp Illiana Safety Committee.
Camp Illiana is committed to providing a safe, secure environment for children. To this end, any report of inappropriate behaviors or suspicions of abuse will be taken seriously and reported, in accordance with this policy and state law, to the Camp Illiana Safety Committee, the Police Department, Child Protective Services, or other appropriate agencies.
Camp Illiana intends to create and foster a culture of communication and reporting safety concerns or policy violations. Because sexual abusers ‘groom’ children for abuse, it is possible a staff member or volunteer may witness behavior intended to ‘groom’ a child for sexual abuse. Staff members and volunteers are asked to report possible ‘grooming’ behaviors, policy violations, or suspicious behaviors to a Dean or a Camp Illiana Safety Committee member.
Physical Appearance
Your physical grooming makes a statement to campers, parents, other staff members, and volunteers. While serving at Camp Illiana, we ask that you limit your freedom concerning hairstyle, clothing, tattoos, and other outward physical accessories and fashions. If you have questions about your personal choices in these matters and whether an article of clothing or style is appropriate for wear at Camp Illiana, please consult the Camp Illiana Security Team Lead.
Your choice of clothing makes a statement. While serving at Camp Illiana, we ask that our female staff members and volunteers help us create an atmosphere of modesty by wearing one-piece bathing suits and covering swimwear with t-shirts and shorts while not participating in water activities. We ask our male staff members to show similar respect to women by wearing t-shirts when not participating in water activities and to avoid Speedo-style swimsuits.
Tattoos and Piercings
All inappropriate tattoos must be covered at all times. Any exceptions to this rule must come from Camp Illiana’s Security Team Lead All male staff members must remove pierced jewelry, and female staff members may have no more than 2 piercings in each ear. Any exceptions to this rule must come from Camp Illiana’s Security Team Lead.
Public displays of affection between dating couples are not permitted under any circumstances. We expect professional behavior at all times.
Modeling Behavior
What we do in moderation, campers will do in excess. Campers will look to you to set the boundaries to draw the line for testing them. This is a dilemma that every staff member or volunteer will wrestle with. The way you dress, what you say, and how you respond to the smallest circumstance – our campers are watching. They will go a mile if you communicate that it is OK to move an inch. Please read and understand the guidelines below regarding appropriate “touch and talk” and follow them closely.
The following rules are to be followed at all times:
No Verbal Abuse
Never touch a child in an aggressive manner
Absolutely No Profanity
No Displays of Public Nudity at Any Time
No Mooning, De-Pantsing, Wedgies or Swirlies
No Descriptive Stories Regarding Drinking or Sexual Behaviors
No Urinating Off Porches at Any Time By Anyone
No Sleeping or Napping With Campers for Any Reason
Never Compare a Camper’s Body With Another Person
No Racial Put-Downs or Racial Jokes
No Ear or Body Piercing or Tattooing of Any Camper
No Tickling Campers
No Wrestling
Appropriate Physical Touch
All staff members and volunteers should exercise good judgment when expressing one’s self through physical touch.
Appropriate physical touch may include the following:
An arm around the shoulder (side hug)
Short, congratulatory or greeting hugs
A brief, assuring pat on the head or shoulder, but NOT to those kids who feel that such touch is offensive to have their heads patted or hair fluffed.
We don’t touch a camper in anger or disgust.
We don’t touch a camper in any sexually connotative manner.
No staff member will ever (day or night) be on or in a camper’s bed.
Never touch a camper’s private parts (to remove ticks or for any other reason).
Never tickle a camper; this can be misconstrued as sexual contact.
Never ignore a camper’s request not to be touched.
Never express or require physical affection or touching in any form from a camper who shows or expresses discomfort with physical touch.
If a question arises, consult the Camp Illiana Security Team Lead or Executive Director. Camp Illiana’s office number is (812) 254-3322.
Any infraction of the above policy involving even the slightest form of sexual connotation will result in immediate dismissal from the camp with no chance of rehiring or returning as a volunteer.
To equip Camp Illiana staff members and volunteers with the information necessary to recognize abuser characteristics and grooming behavior, Camp Illiana requires all staff members and volunteers to complete sexual abuse awareness training. This training will be renewed each summer season.
Verbal, physical, or emotional bullying will not be tolerated. The majority of camper-on-camper verbal, physical, and emotional harassment occurs at night when the lights are out and you are in bed. To avoid this, we ask that you maintain a presence in the camper cabin area at all times until everyone is asleep.
It should be made clear from the first minute of every session that verbal, physical, or emotional harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. At the first sign of verbal or other attacks, act decisively. There is no “harmless putdown” when dealing with kids.
The first instance should include a warning to the camper and a general reminder to the group that this kind of interaction is inappropriate. Be sure not to embarrass or chastise them.
The second instance requires that you pull the offending camper(s) from the group and discuss the inappropriateness of bullying behavior. Set some clear parameters and behavioral goals for them to achieve. However, let them know that the next step is to visit Camp Illiana’s executive director. Notify the Camp Illiana Executive Director of ANY signs of bullying or verbal abuse.
Ensure that any camper who is the brunt of bullying attacks handles the situation well. Have a private dialogue with him or her to assess the situation. DO NOT SINGLE CAMPERS OUT IN FRONT OF THE GROUP! Be discreet and protect their dignity.
The third instance results in a trip to the Camp Illiana Executive Director and a phone call to the parents.
Respecting Camper Privacy
Make sure campers understand the importance of respecting each other’s privacy. A camper’s bed is his/her home, and the camper’s cabin trunk/suitcase is off-limits to anyone but the camper. In addition, shower time is a very private time. Only those taking showers should be in the changing stall or shower stall during showers.
Camp Illiana’s policy is that staff members and volunteers are prohibited from using physical discipline to manage campers’ behavior. No form of physical discipline is acceptable. This prohibition includes spanking, slapping, pinching, hitting, or any other physical force as retaliation or correction for inappropriate behaviors by campers. If a camper is unruly or fails to comply with verbal warnings or instructions from a staff member/volunteer, the Camp Illiana Executive Director will contact the camper’s parent. If the behavior persists, the camper’s parents will be contacted to pick up the camper. In the event of a fight or physical altercation, a staff member or volunteer will verbally redirect campers involved, trying to avoid physical intervention. Uncontrollable or unusual behavior should be reported immediately to the Camp Illiana Executive Director.
Verbal Interactions
Verbal interactions between staff members, volunteers, and campers should be positive and uplifting. Camp Illiana employees and volunteers should strive to keep verbal interactions encouraging and constructive.
To this end, staff members and volunteers should not talk to campers in a way that is or could be construed by any reasonable observer as harsh, threatening, intimidating, shaming, derogatory, demeaning, or humiliating. In addition, employees and volunteers are expected to refrain from swearing or using profanity in the presence of campers.
Staff Member/Volunteer to Camper Ratio
Camp Illiana is committed to providing adequate employer members and volunteer supervision in all camp activities and programs. Accordingly, the following ratios will be observed for camp activities and programs:
For groups up to and including 10 campers, there will be at least 1 staff member or volunteer supervising. For groups ranging from 11 to 29 campers, at least 2 staff members or volunteers will supervise. For groups larger than 30 campers, at least 3 staff members or volunteers will supervise. This ratio may change depending on the activity (i.e., swimming, elements, etc.).
If a worker is out of ratio, he or she must immediately notify the responsible Dean. The Dean or the Camp Illiana Experiences Director will make diligent efforts to immediately bring staff member/volunteer-to-camper ratios into compliance with this policy.
Off-limit Areas
All Camp Illiana staff members and volunteers are responsible for ensuring that their campers do not enter areas deemed off-limits.
Monitoring High-Risk Areas
This section aims to raise awareness of high-risk areas at camp and methods to lower that risk effectively. Any area on camp property where campers are not directly supervised is high-risk. In these areas, campers can more easily bully and abuse (verbally, physically, and even sexually) each other. All staff members and volunteers must be aware of the potential for bullying and abuse and monitor camp locations where campers can be alone.
For activities involving large numbers of campers, staff members and volunteers will be assigned to monitor high-risk areas for the duration of the activity. Monitoring of high-risk areas will be built into the programming and planning for these events.
High-risk areas include:
All bathrooms on the camp property
Night activities
Water activities
Changing areas (during day and night)
Unobserved One-On-One Interaction with Campers
No camper will be left unattended or unsupervised during camp ministry programming or activities. Camp Illiana staff members and volunteers are prohibited from being alone with an individual camper in any room or building. If a staff member or volunteer finds himself/herself alone with a single camper, that staff member or volunteer will take the camper to a room or building occupied by others or to a location easily observed by others.
Example: If a camper desires conversation or counsel with a staff member or volunteer after regular programming has concluded, the staff member or volunteer to relocate the discussion to a place where other staff members are present or which is easily observed.
After every programming event, staff members and volunteers must check every room and restroom before leaving to ensure no camper is left unsupervised.
Any two campers together in an unseen or less easily viewed area should be redirected to another (more open) area.
Appropriate One-To-One interactions with Campers
Camp Illiana recognizes that meeting the emotional needs of campers may occasionally require staff members and volunteers to meet with them individually. Staff members and volunteers should follow the following guidelines when interacting with campers.
Staff members and volunteers should conduct one-to-one meetings with an individual camper at a time when others are present and where interactions can be easily observed unless prior approval is obtained from the Camp Illiana Executive Director.
If a closed-door meeting must occur, the staff member must inform another staff member and ensure the door remains unlocked.
Staff members and volunteers should conduct one-to-one meetings with an individual camper at a time when others are present and where interactions can be easily observed.
Physical Contact
Camp Illiana is committed to protecting campers. To this end, Camp Illiana has implemented a ‘physical contact policy’ which promotes a positive, nurturing environment for our camp programs. The following guidelines are to be carefully followed by anyone working or volunteering at Camp Illiana:
Hugging pats on the back and other forms of appropriate physical affection between staff members or volunteers and campers are important for campers’ development. They are generally suitable in the camp setting.
Inappropriate touching and inappropriate displays of affection are forbidden. Any inappropriate physical contact, touching, or displays of affection should be immediately reported to an immediate Dean, Camp Illiana Executive Director, or a Camp Illiana Safety Committee member.
Physical contact should be for the benefit of the camper, never based upon the emotional needs of a staff member or volunteer.
Physical contact and affection should be given only in observable places or in the presence of other campers, staff members, or volunteers. It is much less likely that touch will be inappropriate or interpreted as such when physical contact is open to observation.
Staff members and volunteers protect campers under their supervision from inappropriate or unwanted touching by other adults and campers.
Any inappropriate behavior or suspected abuse by any staff member, volunteer, or camper must be reported immediately to an immediate Dean, the Camp Illiana Administrator, a member of the Camp Illiana Executive Director, or a member of the Camp Illiana Safety Committee.
Staff members and volunteers may occasionally be in a position to provide transportation for campers. The following guidelines should be strictly observed when workers are involved in the transportation of campers:
Campers should be transported directly to their destination. Unauthorized stops in a non-public place should be avoided. Staff members and volunteers should avoid transportation circumstances that leave only one camper in transport. The presence of at least two staff members or volunteers is encouraged.
Staff members and volunteers should avoid physical contact with campers while in vehicles.
Cellphone use while driving Camp Illiana vehicles (owned or rented) is prohibited unless in an emergency. In other non-emergency circumstances, staff members and volunteers must stop the vehicle before using a cell phone.
Absolutely NO TEXTING is allowed by the driver of a moving Camp Illiana vehicle.
No drivers under age 21 may regularly drive Camp Illiana-owned or rented vehicles.
Sleeping Arrangements
Staff members and volunteers will strictly observe the following rules:
At least one staff member or volunteer must always be in the sleeping area with campers. Notwithstanding the appearance that all campers are sleeping, the staff member or volunteer will not leave the cabin or sleeping area.
Appropriately modest sleeping attire must be worn to bed.
Staff members and volunteers should never physically touch a camper during bed checks.
Campers will not share a bed, bunk, or sleeping bag with another camper or staff member/volunteer. Each staff member, volunteer, and camper will use single sleeping bags or blankets. In these instances, a “one-person-to-one bag or blanket” rule will be observed.
Sexually Oriented Conversations
Staff members and volunteers are prohibited from engaging in any sexually oriented conversations with campers. They are not permitted to discuss inappropriate or explicit information about their personal relationships, dating, or sexual activities with any camper in the program. If it is necessary to address issues related to purity, dating, sex, and human sexuality, clear such discussions with the Camp Illiana Security Team Lead.
Sexually Oriented Materials
Staff members and volunteers at Camp Illiana are prohibited from possessing any sexually oriented materials or images (magazines, cards, phone pics, videos, etc.) at Camp Illiana or in the presence of campers.
Staff members and volunteers at Camp Illiana should never be nude in the presence of campers in their care. In the event any situation calls for or contemplates the possibility of nudity (i.e., changing clothes before or after water activity, overnight activity, etc.), the staff member or volunteer will submit a plan to the Program Dean concerning arrangements for showering or changing clothes that is consistent with this policy statement.
Camp Illiana requires staff members and volunteers to abstain from using or possessing tobacco and vaping products while on Camp Illiana’s property and in the presence of campers or their family members. Camp Illiana is a tobacco and vape-free facility.
Staff members and volunteers are prohibited from using, possessing, or being under the influence of alcohol or any illegal drug in any Camp Illiana facility while traveling with campers or working with or supervising campers.
Camp Curfew
For security and rest purposes, the Camp Illiana curfew is MIDNIGHT. At Camp Illiana, we take camp security very seriously. All staff members and volunteers are expected to cooperate in the security process. At least one staff member or volunteer must remain in each cabin after “lights out” in order to maintain the highest level of security. When off duty, staff members and volunteers should feel free to stay past “lights out”. However, the camp will shut down at MIDNIGHT, and staff will be the only authorized persons outside their lodge. Repeated disregard of curfew will be considered a safety risk and may result in termination.
Visitors During Camp Session
Friends and family are a great source of encouragement. However, giving them the time they need when discharging their responsibilities as camp staff members or volunteers can be difficult. Campers may also have visitors from time to time. During camp sessions, all visitors must check in at the Camp Office. A photo ID must be scanned into the Ministry Defender Safe Visitor kiosk for each adult visitor, where an instant sex offender registry will be checked as part of the check-in process. A printed photo visitor badge will be issued and must be worn at all times.
Communications with Campers Outside of Camp Illiana
The Camp Illiana safety standards established to protect campers and ensure healthy relationships during camp should also be respected outside of camp. In addition to camp safety standards, the following policies should be respected in all interactions with campers outside camp.
Parents of all campers must approve any and all interactions with students, including but not limited to: email, social network interactions, phone calls, personal visits. No interaction should ever take place without the knowledge and approval of the camper's parents or guardian.
If a camper requests to be a “friend” on Facebook or similar social networking sites, permission from parents should be granted before accepting these offers.
Current or former staff members should never be alone with a camper in an unobserved context or location. This policy becomes even more important outside of camp.
Current or former staff members should limit connections by gender. Current or former male staff members should not initiate or maintain contact with female campers, and current or former female staff members should not initiate or maintain contact with male campers. Dating relationships of any kind between staff members or volunteers and a camper are strictly prohibited.
If a family invites a current or former staff member to visit, these visits should never involve spending the night at the camper’s home.
Current or former staff members should never have campers spend the night at their homes for any reason.
Just like in camp, if a camper shares information that puts them or anyone else in danger, that child’s parents should be notified immediately. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and contact the Camp Illiana Executive Director for counsel.
Camper Safety Policies
Dining Hall
8-10 servers from our volunteers will be needed to serve each meal as campers come through the line
Volunteers should come into the kitchen, wash their hands at the hang washing sink, and put on gloves and go to their assigned serving spot
Junior faculty from the second meal shift will take turns cleaning up after the meal. The kitchen staff will instruct them after the meal.
Out kitchen staff has a designated staff member for allergies. This staff member will be available for you to talk to about any food allergy needs that your camper may have.
First Aid/Medication
We have a full time Nurse that is here all summer and two designated First Aid Providers
The first aid station is located directly across from the Dining Hall in Dogwood Cabin. There is a walkie-talkie at the front door that you may use to call the First Aid Provider if they are not in the cabin when you arrive
All camper medication is checked-in upon arrival and the first aid providers will dispense it at each mealtime and bedtime. As a volunteer you should make yourself aware of which campers need medication and when they need it.
Please take them to visit the first aid provider at the first aid station when they need a prn medication
Camp Store & Canteen
The Camp Illiana store offers affordable t-shirts, water bottles, hats and other Illiana souvenirs.
Canteen happens twice throughout each day here at camp. Each camper is able to get a snack item and a drink at each session. They will be able to purchase additional items during each canteen session.
Canteen varies throughout the summer with different kinds of chips, chocolate bars, water, soda, and candies. Snow Cones and popcorn will also be served from various locations around canteen to help keep lines manageable at canteen.
Should you encounter any maintenance/bathroom needs while at camp. please let the dean or one of the staff members know as soon as you discover the problem.
Severe Weather
Our Camp Staff keeps an eye on what is happening with the weather. In some cases activities will be shut down depending on the severity of the weather
In case of severe weather, we have several places at camp to take campers. The basement of Lakeview, the east end of Valleyview and the basement of both homes are safe areas for Campers.